Strange, Not normal

I started off my weekend for the second week in a row by doing an off the cuff live stream.  Even though it was short notice and unscripted it went on for over three and a half hours somehow.  After a lot of the PEV talk settled down I took a segment of the show to talk about some of my emotional wellness issues of the past year and the steps I have been taking to try to improve my overall state of happiness.  The last 1/4 of the show I was joined by “Hubert” who is the alter ego of one of the very funny guys in the EUC community.  The guy makes me laugh my ass off, and that’s a good thing.

On Saturday Elsa and I did our errand runs.  It was unbelievably hot and sticky outside, oppressive.  Despite that I got the urge to get on the tractor and mow the back of the property.  The grass was not terribly high so I got the task done in 90 minutes.  Saturday night I went out to see Dr Strange with a friend of mine that is visiting for a couple weeks.  We also had dinner/drinks there prior to the start of the movie.  Dr Strange 2 definitely lived up to it’s title, strange….  I mean don’t get me wrong the movie was entertaining and it was cool seeing characters in the film like Professor X, Reed Richards from the Fantastic Four, Peggy Carter as the alternative Captain America and a different version of Captain Marvel.  However the story got really, really weird, even for a Marvel movie.

When we were talking to the theater manager before the movie I asked him if he had saw Dr Strange.  He said nope, he has basically stopped caring about Marvel movies since they have started the multiverse story line.  He just doesn’t like how it removes all structure from the movie plots, basically nothing is impossible when you have various parallel universes to pull from.  To him it has been more of a vehicle to allow Disney/Marvel to release movies/series at a torrid pace, knowing that Marvel fans have a near endless appetite for their stories.  The multiverse was a way to make that menu much, much larger. I’d give the film a B+

On Sunday I met up again with my friend to go ride the greenway.  I was on my OneWheel XR.  On the way back we grabbed lunch at the mall food court.  I thought my XR against the wall of the mall made for an interesting picture for some reason.

When I got home after lunch I tended to a number of small monthly/quarterly tasks that popped up in my Outlook reminders but even so as a whole the weekend was pretty chill.  I did try to fix my 3D printer that had the blob/clog from hell.  Unfortunately once I took it apart I realized that a bunch of stuff got melted in the process meaning I have to order even more parts to get the thing operational again, sigh.

I have tomorrow off, the game plan for the day is still being formed. My month of May has been very abnormal for various reasons.  I wonder if June will be the resumption of rituals and routines.