The fix-break cycle, Arabic Mac

It seems I am always fixing issues because things are always breaking or need attention otherwise.  The bathroom spare toilet paper holder in the guest bathroom has been obsolete for years.  It was designed for yesteryear before the widespread implementation of oversized rolls of toilet paper.  As a result it just sat in the corner with maybe one  roll haphazardly perched on top of it.  I had thought about the idea of designing and 3D printing some simple replacement for years as well but finally got around to doing it on Monday.  What you see here is the end result. The holder was actually supposed to be at least a third taller but the printer I was using died during the print job, yes something else to fix.  I’m still pleased with the end result.

I received a new power pruner yesterday to replace the one that broke over the weekend.  I also received a new power supply for my year old spider inflatable that went dark over the weekend.  The break/fix cycle seems never ending although I admittedly get a little hit of dopamine for each issue I resolve.

Last night I dedicated to trying to plow through some of the backlog of recorded content I had at home.  I put a nice little dent in the pile but will need an episode of extended laziness to get completely caught up.

I forgot to mention I bought a used Macbook Pro off of FB Marketplace.  You may ask why?  There was no pressing reason other than a desire to get more in tune with the Mac UI.  I do also like the integration with my other Apple devices.  It does have a weird quirk I did not notice on the listing, it has a keyboard that includes arabic symbols.

It took me all of 30 minutes before I screwed it up when I tried to change the name of the admin account.  Because I did not research ahead of time how to do it I wound up stripping the account of admin rights.  I had to do a surprisingly easy backdoor hack to get an admin account back on the machine.