Indoor/Outdoor, The Light

Last night when I got home I wanted to do some more prep for the painting that starts bright and early Saturday morning.  Frank stressed to me that the less stuff that is in the living space, the better in terms of knocking everything out efficiently.  After looking at the weather forecast for the next few days that appear precipitation free I decided that one way I could clear space was by moving some furniture out to the covered part of the lanai. I moved furniture from the guest bedroom and office out there last night.  The stuff that remains in those spaces should be able to moved as needed without major hassle for the painters.

I plan to move more stuff out there between tonight and tomorrow, which I took off.  Of course moving furniture requires some grunt work.  I utilized furniture sliders for most of it.  With the few really heavy pieces that I will keep in the house I plan to put sliders under them so the painters can move things pretty easily. It’s taken some time to be drawn up on my mental whiteboard but I think I have a workable plan in place to get to the painting finish line.

During my last riding video I spoke about the house situation and how I feel like I am getting to the light at the end of the tunnel, the tunnel in this case being the house painted and put back together.  I also talked about the longer term goal of finding/moving into a new home with less demands and more convenient geography which will add to my overall quality of life.

Much like I’ve experienced with the house prep, at this point there are a lot of question marks as to how I will get to the final goal.  I used an EUC riding analogy.  When learning to ride the advice I have given repeatedly is to look up, look forward towards where you are going.  When you look down at your feet it causes instability and a potential loss of control.  When you look ahead your body takes over and the mind takes the co-pilot seat.  At this point in regards to my future living situation I am focusing on the intent I have and less on the ins and outs of how I will arrive there.