Handy, Hard start, Pickled You

Last night after work I put my handyman skills to work, fixing a cabinet door that fell off and replacing a tub spout.  Although as I have gotten older I have had more inclination to just pay someone else to do repairs/upgrades if they go past a certain complexity or time allowance, if I am motivated I can take on a lot of things.

I had a less than ideal start to my day.  I woke up to no internet in the house which makes my “smart” home very, very dumb quickly.  It appeared to be a widespread outage.  Then when I was ready to hop in the shower the water valve just spun in my hand.  Apparently between last night and this morning something let loose which again was less than ideal.  I will need to try to address/fix that tonight.  I used to have that same type of fixture on the tub and I had to replace it several years back so I know it is in my wheelhouse.

The cherry on top of my shit show was a horrible commute into work that took 75 minutes.  Ever since the new year traffic has been increasingly terrible, giving me even more reason to want to relocate my life to a destination much closer to work.  I mean this morning it took me almost 10 minutes JUST to make the first turn off my street leaving a few minutes before 7AM. It’s nuts.

Speaking of new destinations, the other day Zillow sent me a new listing for a house that on paper at least seemed almost perfect.  It was maybe 5 miles from the office, mostly updated, about 1700 sq feet with a nice little fenced in yard which would be great for Elsa.  The price was also something I could totally work with.  In the span of an hour I got a follow up email from Zillow saying the property was already under contract.  It will be interesting to see how many times this pattern repeats itself as my search begins.

Yesterday I was talking to my buddy at work.  He told me how he was being offered a couple thousand dollars for a pickleball related domain name he registered awhile ago.  He actually registered a handful of names with the intent of possibly doing something with them down the road, he had no clue someone would want to buy one of them.  The conversation with him got the gears in my head going.

In pickleball if you shut somebody out it is called getting “pickled”.  It’s something you want to avoid having happen to you but it’s kind of fun when you do it to someone else.  I hopped on GoDaddy and just for the heck of it checked to see if pickledyou.com or pickledu.com were available, they both were.  In the span of 5 minutes I had claimed them both.

I then set up a simple web page on one of my other hosted sites as a landing point for the domain.  At this point all I have on there are a list of recent “pickles” just for fun.  I’m not quite sure what the eventual site will be, if anything at all.  Maybe I’ll get a buyout offer as well down the road.  In addition I added a fourth channel to my YouTube account, named Pickled You.  On there I have the two pickleball videos I currently have.  I think it would be interesting to do a satirical, comical spin of the sport in addition to more footage of play.  Again, we will see what happens down the road. With the explosion in popularity of pickleball it certainly can’t hurt to roll the dice. Feel free to be one of my ground level subscribers to the channel.  🙂