Last walk, Wrap up

Yesterday I scheduled my final walk through of the new house I am buying.  Originally it was going to be on Sunday as the current owners were supposedly moving Friday.  I got word that their plans have changed and now they don’t plan to actually vacate until Monday morning which I thought was a bit odd since we are supposed to close on the sale Monday afternoon.  Talk about waiting to the last minute.  The purpose of the walk through is to make sure nothing significantly has changed since the sales contract was signed.  I am sure it will be fine but better safe than sorry I suppose.

I also am supposed to be meeting with the people that are buying my house this weekend for basically a show and tell session.  There are lots of things that the new homeowners will want to know in regards to how the house works.  I want them to enjoy the house so I will do my best to fully educate them.

Last night I shot what should be my final video with the V13 where I gave my feelings about the wheel which were overwhelmingly positive.  I then compared it to another wheel in the same category, the Sherman S, which I already own.  I think the video turned out well.  The difference with me compared to a lot of influencers that get sent wheels by dealers is I will do more content on a wheel.  Many of them just do one video, I typically will do a half dozen or more.  With the V13 that number worked out to be 7.  I’m hoping to be sent another wheel on the demo circuit, the EX30 but we will see if that works out or not.

Tonight I am planning to hit the sand volleyball court for the 5th consecutive week.  It’s been one change in my routine which I have enjoyed.  There is going to be truckloads of change coming my way so I may as well get used to it.