Digging a pool with a spoon

Wow, what a weekend this was.

Saturday morning I weed whacked and mowed the property for the FINAL time. Man did that feel strange. There have been so many tasks that have become reflex actions for me, yard maintenance is definitely one of them. I also boxed up the behemoth V13 and dropped it off at FedEx to be shipped to it’s next destination. I wanted to get these items checked off before I started on what I knew would more or less consume the rest of my weekend, packing.

My loose goal was to try to focus on one area at a time, clearing out cabinets, closets and corners. Doing this spurred another round of mass curbing of items that I just can’t see having the use or space for at the new place. I have a bunch of empty storage bins from my first round of purging so I used these bins primarily to hold the stuff I was taking. My plan is to take the bins to the new place, unpack them, and then reuse them to grab more stuff at my old house.

My brain is always planning ahead so it was choking on trying to come up with a logistics to handle everything that needs to be handled. I think the reality of trying to get a much bigger home with three external storage buildings into my new place with zero additional storage is going to be more challenging than I expected, even with the incredible amount of stuff that I have thrown/given away. I now have included in my possible scenarios having to rent a small storage space until I get a good handle on what I want to do. I do not want the new place to be stuffed with things. In addition to less space I also will have less furniture to put things in, compounding the challenge.

I kept working diligently but as the title implies, it felt like I was taking tiny bite size chunks out of a mountainous task. However I have come up against similar scenarios before and I always prevail, determination is something I do not lack.

I was exhausted by the end of Saturday, I slept like a rock, almost too much so. When I woke up and saw the clock said 8:45 I freaked out a bit, forgetting that daylight savings kicked in, bumping the clocks forward an hour. Regardless I had to hustle because the buyers for my house were scheduled to come do a walk through at 10. I literally pulled back in the driveway the same time as them with my Dunkin Donuts coffee.

I took close to an hour walking them through the property explaining whatever I could. They told me about their two wolfhound dogs, one weighing 135lbs and the other 185lbs, wow. They told me that they actually had possible plans to actually raise chickens and even add goats to the mix which would be awesome as long as they are ok with the associated work. Even taking as much time as I did there were a few things I forgot to tell them which I will try to include in a letter later. It was nice to meet the buyers, I am not sure if I will actually come face to face with the sellers of the home I am buying.

Once they left it was an all day grind-fest. I popped two sets of Advil along the way. I brought the various things that were boxed up already in the sheds up to the garage with more curbing of things that had survived round one of the purge. The overarching feeling of I need to take less with me drove me all day. Even so I still worry I just have too much. I pushed all day, finally calling it quits around 6:30 when I took my S22 to grab some coffee.

I have often mentioned how I prefer things to be orderly. I don’t like feeling things are in a chaotic state. Unfortunately with moving there is just no way to avoid that feeling. I have absolutely no desire to move again any time soon.

Today I do a final walk through of the new house at noon. I hope to find nothing significant has changed since I last saw it except for the garage being emptied out. I then have the closing on the transaction at 2:30. Assuming all goes as planned I then will start executing the migration plan, whatever part of it is actually formed in my head. I put the first set of containers in the Tesla last night and will likely drop them off at the new house later. I have a cleaning crew coming in tomorrow to get things bright and shiny as well.

My plan is to be running things back and forth between the two places during the week with the Tacoma as much as possible. My pie in the sky idea is to be sleeping there this Saturday night. Wish me luck, I’ll need it.

Some of my friends in LA made this “moving” tribute for me. It was cute.