Positive report, Games

Yesterday the wife of the couple that bought my house stopped in the office to grab the two garage remotes I had along with a spare key. I asked her how the move went and she said quite well. She said they are both very happy and their two huge dogs love the property as well which I was happy to hear. It makes me feel good how things have worked out all around. I said on my Friday night live stream if I wrote a script regarding how all of this worked out I don’t think I could have had a more optimal outcome. Well almost, if I am being honest.

I have a very long history of being in long term relationships for almost the entirety of my adult life, as anyone who is a regular reader of this blog already knows. In those relationships I have had many ups and downs with many issues being tied to my own actions, thoughts or behavior. I am far from perfect. However one thing I have never done is try to play games with people. Games are something I play online, not with other human beings feelings or emotions.

Over the last couple years I have been taught a lot of lessons from the school of hard knocks. The lessons keep coming, it’s a matter of me responding appropriately to what is being taught, regardless of how it pushes against my boundaries of comfort and my basic premise of doing onto others as you would want done to yourself.

I need to revel in my successful home transition, the opportunities that are ahead of me and a bright future. I don’t have the time or desire for games of that nature.