Victory strike, Glitter

Well I guess my plan to not post on the blog until the Eagles win again isn’t working out well. (just kidding) I know there hasn’t been much outward presence from me in a little while. I’m happy to report that all is well. My 2023 holiday season has been very, very busy from all angles, so much so that I have found very little time to do much else. I haven’t shot a YouTube video or live streamed in several weeks either. Hopefully as the holiday season passes I will be able to find more normalcy. I have a work project that is going to be commandeering most of my attention for the next several weeks as well.

This will likely be my last post prior to Christmas. With the holiday falling on a Monday we have Friday and Monday off. I plan to fill those days with as many good things as possible. I hope you and yours have a great Christmas.

Here is one quick funny story as my Christmas gift to you. I received a birthday card from my buddy and long time volleyball partner Randall. He and I have had a long history of pranking each other in various ways. My personal favorite was when another friend of mine and I signed a sympathy card the night before we played Randall and another friend of ours in a tournament. As soon as we eliminated them from contention we handed Randall the sealed and signed card, offering our deepest sympathy for his loss.

Well I open the birthday card and it starts playing the infamous Rick Ashley song that is affiliated with being “rick rolled”. I smiled and closed the card but the music kept playing. Ok, I guess once the song is over it will stop. The song concluded and the music stopped, for a few seconds. It then blasted into another rendition of “Never Going to Give You Up”. I tried opening and closing the card again, no dice. I tried closing it harder, nope. I saw a little tab was held down by tape. I removed the tape and pulled the tab, the music persisted.

I originally was going to take a hammer to it but instead tore open the card a bit which revealed it’s true intent, not to wish you happy birthday, but annoy you instead. Inside the card was a handful of glitter, designed to be spread around when the card recipient tears open the card in frustration. Luckily my tear was a little more surgical in nature. I was able to access the main wire and disconnect it without any further glitter contamination. Well played Randall, well played.