Launched, Wrapped Up, Off the shelf

I have mentioned how the major thing on my plate at work recently was getting a temporary office opened up in Marco Island until the hurricane damaged building can be razed and rebuilt which will take at least a couple years. Yesterday that location opened it’s doors to the public for the first time. The launch had a few speed bumps along the way but by the afternoon everything was running smoothly. There were a ton of things that had to come together to make it all happen but that task can officially get a check mark in my list.

Last night I did my final video on the demo Veteran Lynx I have been reviewing for close to a month. It was a summary of my overall feelings about the wheel and how it compares to other wheels in it’s class. I really like the wheel, I just would not buy one for myself.

Ever since I moved to the new house I have had one of my Prusa printers in storage in the garage. I just don’t need it. I listed it for sale shortly after moving in but never have actually sold it so it just sat there. My FB Marketplace listing expired months ago but while I was cleaning up on Saturday I got annoyed by the unneeded printer taking up space on my storage shelves.

I decided if I was going to sell it I needed to make sure it still works. I set it up on my portable table in the garage, cleaned it up and fired off a print. I was happy to see that despite lying dormant for such a long time the Prusa still appears to work just fine. I am selling it dirt cheap, someone is going to get a nice deal, hopefully.

Last years post was about my decision to take the blog private as well as the very sad day where we said goodbye to Sadie.