Addendum, Fighting it

I had gotten some comments on my Lynx wrap up video about a couple things that I missed. The most obvious one was a shot where it was easy to compare the size difference between the two wheels. I made a quick two minute video to address the oversight. I always read and process all of the comments on my videos. Sometimes they actually result in light bulb moments.

I have been bad with making sure Elsa gets regular walks ever since I moved to the new place. I have been lazy and just let her into the fenced backyard to do her business most of the time. For the past 5 days I have been trying to correct that negligent behavior, taking her on a walk through my small neighborhood daily. At first she was hesitant about it but it seems like every day she has gotten better and is almost excited to do it now. Dogs are such creatures of habit, I must have been a dog at some point.

Despite being 56 years old I am doing whatever I can to keep my body functioning at a younger man’s level. A typical week for me now includes three weight lifting sessions, a yoga class, 3-4 sessions of pickleball and one beach volleyball night. The yoga is a recent addition for the last couple months. It’s very difficult for me as my flexibility in my hips and knees is very poor. However I know that flexibility is paramount as you get older so I will keep going as I do see small improvements each time. Of course time will eventually catch up to me as it does everyone else, I’m just trying to slow that second hand down as much as possible.

Last year I posted about how much I was enjoying my freshly painted and stripped down house as well as making the final decision to list it for sale.