Relief, Shades, Wet, Feeling

Friday evening I decided to let my hair down and party hard, by getting groceries. Yes I wanted to get my grocery shopping out of the way to clear up my Saturday morning so I would have time to run to the gym. When I got back I threw a pizza in the oven which I managed to burn somehow. I still ate it, of course.

Saturday was pretty active. In the morning I replaced the shower handle in the master shower with the Moen unit I bought earlier in the week. The difference in feel/quality was immediately noticeable. After running out to do some errands I headed over to the gym in our government complex. It has 24/7 access which is awesome. I have not had a slot available to do lower body training since I started yoga. My fitness schedule has been chest Monday, yoga Tuesday, the rest of my upper body on Thursday and then pickleball Wednesday and Friday. I really need to make sure legs don’t get ignored so the hour or so I spent there training them was time well utilized in my book.

After lunch I started work on swapping out my bed arrangement. Moving around the stuff solo was a mild challenge but I have handled much worse before. I drug my old bed frame and dual twin size box springs to the curb with the hope that someone that could use it would grab it. (didn’t happen) Setting up the new king size platform was not technically challenging. In less than 30 minutes I had everything in place.

Of course the big test was Saturday night where I intentionally slept on the side of the mattress which was formerly the danger zone. I awoke Sunday morning with zero back pain, amazing. It’s also amazing it took me so long to figure out/remedy the problem.

Later Saturday afternoon I did my first ever sunglasses review video. I had bought a pair of Oakley aviator style glasses earlier in the week and wanted to unbox them on camera. My brief research I did online revealed that people actually like these kind of videos so I figured I may as well give it a shot. I am not sure how effective or ineffective my final product was but I do know I like the new glasses a lot.

Saturday night out of the blue I decided to do a live stream. Yes I just did one last week as well. I had nothing else in particular I was doing so I figured I may as well stream. It was a pretty funny broadcast. I wore sunglasses the entire time for no real reason but it made for some funny moments during the broadcast which went on for a crazy three and a half hours. I’m not quite sure what it is in my brain that allows me to ramble on during live streams while most in person conversations I am looking to exit as soon as possible.

One of the main topics was talk of a new wheel that was sent to a EUC “influencer”. She just happens to be young, rides wheels almost naked and makes every effort to titillate men in her videos. She evidently is very successful in doing so as she is approaching one million subscribers on YouTube.

I awoke early Sunday to go play pickleball. When I got on site the courts were soaked from a brief but strong shower that had recently passed through. I jumped right in and manned the court squeegee to get the standing water off. Other people used big towels to help dry off more water. Once the sun started hitting the surface they dried out pretty quickly. We probably spent at least a half hour working on the courts so it cut into our play time but it was all good. Some play is better than no play.

I finally got around to washing my Tesla. I first thought about doing this last year, seriously. I’m not quite sure why it took me over 3 weeks to finally get to it but it felt good to get that layer of grime off the car. I also gave Elsa her first bath in a month. She was starting to smell like corn chips.

The rest of my day was pretty chill. I caught a portion of both playoff games. I wish the Lions would have held on to win but oh well. I also went for a One Wheel ride during the afternoon.

In the morning it felt warm and humid. By the afternoon it was windy and much cooler. By the time I got done with the ride I felt chilled to the bone. I was watching some of the early game under a blanket in my bed.

Last year the blog post was about me finding the house I am now living in. It was the first house I actually stepped foot into. It’s interesting looking back at how it all came to be.