Guest prep, Lost, Leap

Last night I spent the majority of my effort getting the house picked and cleaned up for my guest Dawn who flies in this afternoon. My house is never all that messy anymore. Since the move I have thoroughly embraced a less is more mindset. One of the nice side effects is cleaning up the space is stupid easy to manage. I knocked out some laundry and even had time to jump into WoW for a bit.

Last week I sent out a stand that was ordered on my 3D store. I send all of my orders through USPS usually and this was no exception. The customer was in Florida so normally it would get to him in a day, maybe two. As I almost always do, I put the package in with our other mail at the office which gets picked up daily.

A few days later I get an email from the customer saying he still hasn’t received the order. I asked him if he got the shipped email from my store. He did. When I went into the tracking for the package there was no activity outside of the notice that a label was created. No scanning of the package happened at all. I was pissed.

I asked the customer to wait a couple days to see if anything shows up, it hasn’t. So I now am making him another stand on my dime. I am not sure if the post office staff in this situation are inept or thieves. The reason I am suspicious of the latter is the last order I sent arrived later than scheduled and when it did it had post office packing tape wrapped around it that I did not place there, almost like it was opened and then resealed. I am debating if I want to send the replacement stand via UPS instead, hoping they can be trusted more. I hate to not deliver what is promised, even if it is out of my control.

Should I be excited that today is Leap Day, a once every 4 years occurrence? If I should be, I’m failing the requirement. The last time I posted on Leap Day was 2016. I was sick as a dog. You might not hear from me until next week.