Archives February 2024

Turbo, Human scoreboard, More meet ups

Last night was my third volleyball session with the higher skilled group and it was the most fun yet. There were a couple new faces this time, one of them was a young guy that was on my team. His energy and speed was amazing. He would explode after balls, going full out Superman on some of his saves. It was a lot of fun playing with him. I played pretty well overall and feel like I finally am in a group of people that I really enjoy competing with.

For some reason in both pickleball and volleyball I am the human scoreboard. I always am the one to keep track of the score and call it out in both sports. I don’t really know why this is but people now expect me to be the scorekeeper. It’s a role I don’t mind, someone has to do it.

It’s funny, when I first moved to Naples in 2000 I was all about volleyball. I looked all over the place for groups to play with. I did a few indoor sessions at a local rec center but quickly realized that was bad for my knees. I recall going to the park that I now play at and seeing others playing but not being willing to approach a bunch of strangers to ask if I could join. Now here I am, nearly 25 years later out there in the thick of it. What a strange and twisting path I took to get there.

I did of course wind up playing beach doubles for a number of years when I hooked up with Randall. We had a good time playing although that was only in less than 10 tournaments a year which required a cash and travel expenditure to participate in. I never had a local group to play with weekly. I am enjoying it, even though it wears me out at 56 years of age.

On Saturday I am supposed to meet up with some more people that know me from my YouTube channel. They are vacationing in the area and asked if I would ride with them so I said sure, why not. I have probably connected with at least 10 people that previously only knew me from YouTube. It’s always been a positive experience. The rest of my weekend will include my setting up my new robot vacuum, pickleball and whatever else comes to mind.

Last year at this time I was digging into all of the preliminary steps with buying my house as well as getting my old house in tip top shape and ready to sell.

Fast and Ridiculous, 3 to 1

Last night I finished up Fast X. Every time I think they have come up with the most ridiculous scenarios they prove me wrong again. Even with me dozing off for around 45 minutes of the movie I saw enough to know I saw enough. The main villain, Jason Mamoa, is the most ridiculous bad guy I have ever seen. The lines they gave him were moronic. Unfortunately the way the movie ended made it clear there are more sequels to come. It get’s a C-, hard to do with an action movie in my book.

I forgot to mention the other day that I bought a new robotic vacuum cleaner the other day, a Shark. I got in on the ground floor of vacuum robots a decade and a half ago when the first Roombas came out. Since then if I added up the number of floor vacuuming and washing robots I have had over the years I am sure it totals up to 15 or more.

I currently have 3 robot vacuums, a Neato, which is very old, an Ecovacs and an entry level Roomba that I bought a couple years ago. Out of those three robots the oldest one, the Neato probably performs the best, ironically. I have never had a Shark robot but I did have a Shark steamer and a Shark cordless vacuum, both of which I liked.

This Shark model is the type that has a disposal canister where after a cleaning session the debris that is collected in the robot is transferred there, requiring less frequent cleanings. My hope is I will be able to eliminate at least two of the other robots, if not all three of them. The Roomba gets stuck all the time, the Ecovacs has a weak vacuum and small dust bin while the Neato is so old that I have a screw I installed to keep the dust bin in. I guess this is just a further effort in my new simplification/minimization mindset.

Yesterday I got to talk to my step mom a little bit, it was her birthday. I don’t get to speak to Teresa very often but it is always worthwhile when I do. Hearing her talk about the interactions with my two nieces makes me wish I got to see them more often.

Tonight I am scheduled to play volleyball again. What a different a week makes weather wise. Last week it was in the 80’s and humid. Tonight when we play it is likely to be in the 60’s with dry air. I will at least start the night in a long sleeve shirt.

Last year at this time I finished up a Sherman S range test and made the initial deposit on my new house.