False hack attack, Maximum Gators

Late morning yesterday I was doing work and I noticed that suddenly noticed on my second screen that I had been forcibly logged out of my Facebook account. At the same time I saw I was logged out of Messenger on my phone. Instantly my thought was something was up. When I tried to log back in it said my password was incorrect. Now my thoughts were that somehow my account was just hacked and taken over, great. I use unique, complex passwords as well as 2FA so although I thought it would be tough for my account to be compromised the symptoms all pointed to it.

My feelings strengthened as all of my attempts to change my password failed as well. It would look like it was working and then just time out or throw a vague error. I was having visions in my head of some hacker running wild in my account, sending out malicious messages to my FB friends and doing whatever else they felt like.

Only after all of these failed attempts did it occur to me to take a look at downdetector.com, a site that will let you know if a site is having widespread issues. When I did this I saw a huge red spike in Facebook down reports. Well at least I knew I was not in the boat alone. When I tried to log back in an hour or two later all was fine once again, crisis averted. I changed my password, just in case.

I spent a good portion of last night editing the swamp ride footage, there was a bunch of it. The final video was on the long side, clocking in at a little more than a half hour. We rode past so many gators it’s crazy. It was a great ride that Dawn enjoyed very much. Check it out yourself.

I didn’t get to bed until close to 11. I have only a brief pause until Troy and Jess roll into town tomorrow. We have not really laid out a solid agenda yet. They are staying at a hotel so I don’t have to go crazy resetting the house for another guest. Jess is here for a work function so her availability is going to be limited.

Last year I was still throwing shit out and came up with the idea of giving a lot of furniture and other items to the new owners to cut down on what I had to move. I wound up giving them thousands of dollars of stuff, and didn’t care.