Maximizing, Three at once, I love taking it off

Last night after work I felt like being productive. I went to the south side of the house and capped off the spot where the second rusty and broken spotlight used to reside, giving the eave a cleaner look. When I went out to do a short walk later on I snapped this picture of the house which is possibly the first night time picture I have taken. I am really happy with how I have massaged the place over the last year to the point where it truly now feels like my home.

I also completed another improvement last night, hanging all of my full face helmets on the wall of my office/hobby room. I was storing all of my helmets in the closet and it was a mess with helmets piled on top of each other and jammed into open spaces.

Last week I got the idea of hanging some of them to both maximize space utilization and just look sort of cool, IMO. I was able to get the four helmet hooks up in less than a half hour. Having them above the LED RGB bar just adds to the vibe.

I recently have consumed three movies and have not mentioned any of them, maybe because none of them stood out as special. First I watched Ricky Stanicky, a comedy on Amazon Prime. The highlight for me is that John Cena was in it who makes me laugh consistently. I found myself focusing on how odd Zac Efron looks nowadays more than I should have which might be because the movie was only average in my book. B

Next I watched Roadhouse, the spin off of the 80’s classic that featured Patrick Swayze. The modern version instead features a ripped Jake Gyllenhaal who apparently turns into a couple notches below serial killer if you make him mad enough. His super arch enemy is Connor McGregor who is so over the top in his bad guy performance he almost becomes a cartoon character. I mean the movie kept me entertained but was it good? That’s questionable, another B.

Finally last night I finished off the second Aquaman. DC superhero movies almost always are a disappointment to me and this was no exception. I always have thought that casting Jason Momoa as Aquaman made no sense. He is sort of a terrible actor but looks like Deniro compared to Dolph Lundgren who plays King Whatshisface. I mean it’s just a bad movie, one of the lower 25% of DC movies I have seen, that’s a pretty low bar to crawl under. I’ll give it a C-.

This morning I finally got to rip off the compression stocking. I played pickleball with it on yesterday even though it probably was pushing the limits of what I was supposed to do. For the next two weeks I get to rinse and repeat this process. Two weeks from now I should be done with the vein procedures, hopefully.