Is it just me, My Easter

Last night was volleyball night. We had a full crew of 16 people which was split into four teams of four across two nets. It was extremely windy last night which can make doing even simple skills a lot more difficult. In total I played seven games and again my team did very well, winning every game. Since I started playing with the higher skilled group this has been a recurring theme with most nights my team sweeping or losing maybe a game or at most, two.

Despite the wind my core skills remained solid and I had a bunch of hustle plays that kept my exposed skin covered in sand most of the night. I really enjoy playing with this group. I know I have said it before but the difference in my enjoyment since joining this group versus when I was playing with the Tuesday crew that had some players with skills barely above picnic ball is like night and day. I look forward to playing every week and I am thankful that my body with the help of Advil is still allowing me to do it.

After playing I went to Carrabas to grab dinner. I don’t normally go there on a Thursday night but I felt like mixing it up. I had a nice dinner with the other bartender, Helen, that knows my name, drink and food preferences. I didn’t hang all that long as I was pretty tired.

My Easter is pretty much just another day on the calendar as I have no local family and no significant other to spend it with. It’s not a woe is me statement, just a fact. If things work out as planned one of the guys I met on the east coast might be coming over to ride with me Easter afternoon which would be cool. In addition I have pickleball sessions scheduled for each of the next three days which I always look forward to. The weather this weekend is supposed to be pretty spectacular with cool mornings and low humidity. I’m anxious to get it underway.

Last year I was still scrambling to get things done at my new house. I also ironically was happy about playing a decent volleyball session back then as well.