Charging, Night Walker

Yesterday I had another vein appointment where they injected a substance into my shitty veins in my lower leg to cause them to close. I got some potentially good news that I could cancel my remaining appointment. The doctor said as long as these veins close as they should I won’t need to see him until June for a follow up ultrasound. I need to keep an eye on the treated areas to see if anything abnormal pops up. I am happy if I am indeed done with getting poked, prodded and burned, from the inside. I am now on another two day recovery cycle where I wear the stocking, restrict activity, and walk, a lot.

After work I loaded Elsa in the truck to go to Home Goods. I wanted to buy mats for the guest bathroom. Ever since I moved in I have had one mat in there, one from the old house. It was old, beige and didn’t really match the bathroom. When I have had guests I have had to throw a towel down as a bath mat. I picked up a set of two grey mats that are nothing fantastic but match color-wise and give a guest somewhere to step when they exit the tower/tub. All I really need to do in there yet is trim off the light install I did last week and that space should be done/done, in my book.

I did a video last night reviewing a fast charger I bought from my buddy Roger who lives in the LA area. The chargers he sells, aptly named Roger Charger, are high speed chargers that allow you to dramatically cut down on the time it takes to charge wheels with big batteries. Hopefully the video helps steer a couple more potential sales Roger’s way.

I took a total of three walks when I got home, per doctors orders. The last one was around 8:30 when it was fully dark. It was so quiet and peaceful with only a couple cars and a guy on a One Wheel sighted along the way. I have always enjoyed the solitude that night can bring to me. I have done several night walks recently because of the walking requirements post procedure. Then there was that infamous night walk I took around midnight this last Christmas Eve, but that is a story that can only be shared in person, after a number of drinks have been consumed.

Last year at this time I pulled the trigger on the start of my kitchen and bathroom cabinet/countertop remodel. This was the most expensive improvement I have made since moving into the house but also my favorite.