Lackluster, Extend it

Last night I had my weekly volleyball session. It was the first time since I started playing Thursdays that my team lost more than it won. We had one guy on our team that really did not have the skills he should have to play with this group. I played ok in all aspects of the game except hitting. I hit a number of balls into the net which frustrated the F out of me. My legs just were not getting me out of the sand as my knees felt a little extra creaky. I still had fun but losing always turns down the enjoyment a few notches.

After playing I treated myself to a dinner at Brunina’s with my favorite bartender Megan. Since Easter has passed a decent amount of snowbirds have flocked north making the bar less full. I found out Megan is friends with Deb who I dated briefly back in 2013. Deb is also good friends with Cindy. It’s a small world.

Out of the blue this morning I decided to give myself a long weekend, putting in to take both Monday and Tuesday off, providing me with a nice four day weekend. I’ll put it to good use. The V13 that I traded for is supposed to arrive tomorrow and I have no less than a half dozen video ideas in my pipeline that I would like to get out there. Of course there are tons of other things that will keep my attention along the way.

Last year I continued with my string of home improvements, this time getting my smart garage door opener installed. I wish I kept accurate track of just how much I have spent on home improvements since moving. I’m pretty confident it’s crossed the 50k mark.