Doubling up, Demo my repair skills

For my last day off I thought I would double up on my exercise by doing a lower body session followed by yoga. Before doing so I ran to the nearby Walmart/FedEx store to pick up the ET Max demo wheel that FedEx lied about the day prior. I was glad I brought my hand truck as this box was 130lbs plus.

Doing weight training on my legs prior to doing yoga was not the best idea. A lot of the holds we do require leg strength and I found a lot of them more difficult than normal after the workout. Oh well.

I’m not sure if it was the double workout but after lunch I felt extremely tired. I went and laid in my bed for maybe 20 minutes, never falling asleep but just feeling wiped. I rebounded and then got back to work.

I had to do some work on the ET Max before it was going to be ready for testing. The power distribution board had failed and a replacement was in the box. I never had replaced that particular component but it appeared straight forward. After less than an hour of work I had the repair completed and the wheel was ready to roll however I only did a very brief test ride just to verify functionality. The full testing will begin the remainder of this week and weekend.

I wound down my 4 day weekend chilling with Elsa. I really enjoyed the time and look forward to giving myself more extended weekends on a more regular basis.

Last year at this time I was keeping busy with new home related things and I hinted at 2023 becoming a very good year. I realized that what I was referring to was I had just started seeing Christine around this time last year and I was feeling hopeful about where that could go. Unfortunately for both her and I it became a soap opera because of a third party that had other ideas.