The Number, Clean Machine, Three free, Night Rider,

Yesterday I received my bill from my ER visit which was around a month prior. I knew based on my visit to the ER 5-6 years ago the number would be big, despite my only being there for roughly 3 hours. I did not expect it to be 5 digits big. The total charges for the visit came to $10,366.
There was no itemized breakdown of charges which I am going to request to identify how this number came to be. My portion of this came to around $1300. It is a testament to just how f’d up the US healthcare system is. It of course reaffirms my resolve to try to avoid interacting with the medical profession as much as humanly possible. The issue is insurance and medical lobbyists are dug in so deep in Washington that appreciable change just will never happen, IMO.
When I got home last night I got inspired to give the Tesla a quick bath. The car was cruddy. After roughly 30 minutes of work it was looking much better. I also have been enjoying the free month of the full self driving software that Tesla has made available. Last night I decided to use some of my Tesla spiff points I received for referrals to buy 3 months of FSD. It was a good use of those points. I am kicking myself that I wasted several thousand of them allowing my ex to buy stuff, one of the many, many things I regret in that arena. Anyway, doing this removes the urgency for having to get more videos done on FSD in only a week.

Last night I also went out for a quick ride once it got dark to shoot a video about the ET Max at night, specifically how it looks and how the headlight performs. It was a quick ride that didn’t take that long to edit. I am expecting to be done with the demo wheel within a week.