Boring but busy, Last year

Last night I was buzzing around getting all sorts of mundane but necessary things done around the house. I did get a chance to roll around on my Mten3 a bit just to verify how everything felt a full charge and a day later. The tire still feels fully inflated and the wheel is just as agile and fun as it always has been, a good thing.

Last year I posted the following blurb in the blog:

I have been taking some steps recently to try to clear my head and be able to course correct towards a direction where things make more sense and the fog of uncertainty can start to dissipate. I need to lock the rudder in place and keep moving forward towards things that serve my happiness and away from things that do not.

Repeatedly I have seen things I wrote last year that indicated I finally had seen the light, I was finally going to move away from situations that were in the big picture, bad for my long term happiness. Evidently that rudder I was speaking of broke off sometime during the last third of 2023. It has since been repaired and is welded in place, never able to turn toward a certain direction again.