Picked up, What was lost is now found, It Sees, Door opens today
I left work early yesterday to pick up my buddy Don at the airport. He had just spent over a week in Kentucky and was subjected to snow, ice and temperatures that never crossed 32 degrees the entire time he was there. To say he was glad to be home was an understatement. Even though it still has been on the cold side by Florida standards it’s better than 95% of the country right now.
So two or three weeks ago I had my Tacoma out for a drive on the weekend. I have two sets of key fobs for the truck. One of them live on a big key chain along with a number of other keys. That one almost never gets used because of it’s bulk and weight. The other fob is stand alone so I normally just grab that one and throw it in my pocket. When I get home I have a little basket on my counter that I toss it into.
So anyway the next day after that drive I had somewhere else to go and went to grab the stand alone key. It wasn’t in there. I looked around briefly and had no luck so I just grabbed the full set of keys. Ever since then I have had multiple sessions of trying to find the key fob. I wondered if somehow it fell out of my pocket after I got home that day so I have done several back and forth inspections of the lawn next to the driveway that were fruitless. I have done laps around the house looking anywhere that I could think of that could be a potential spot where I would have tossed the key. I even went through my dirty laundry, checking the pockets to make sure I hadn’t just forgotten to take the fob out altogether. All of these efforts were unsuccessful. I was at the point where I was writing the FOB location off as an unsolved mystery.
On Sunday I needed a pen for something. I have a small little container on the kitchen counter that holds a number of them. As I snagged the pen my eyes caught it, the FOB was there, nestled in the bottom of the forest of pens! Evidently I brainlessly dropped the key in there. The sense of relief and satisfaction from finding something I thought was lost forever was real.

Last night on the way home from the airport I had full self driving on. I captured some video demonstrating just how much the Tesla is seeing and tracking in real time. Despite having full self driving for awhile it still manages to impress me.
Today I am supposed to receive my Bambu Labs A1 printer. This was my big Christmas gift that I bought for myself. The A1 is a multi-color printer that can utilize up to four color filaments at a time. My buddy at work has one and the stuff it can make is incredible with quality so good it doesn’t even look 3D printed. For the first time in awhile I have some 3D printing excitement in my world.