Cut, Twitched

Yesterday I went for a haircut. The stylist I prefer was not working so I was with a new woman. She wasn’t big on personality or friendliness but she did do a good job with the scalp massage when she was washing my hair. I had her give me more of a tapered cut where the hair is still on the longer side up top but shorter near the ears. I have been looking like a shaggy dog recently so it feels good to get a little cleaned up. I’ll likely be good to go now for a couple months.

Last night I played WoW once again, leveling yet another character, my monk. Apparently monks are really powerful now as I was destroying everything. In the few five man dungeons I ran I was doing approximately 40% of the overall damage which is huge. I decided to also fire up my Twitch stream (@duf67) for the first time in ages. Only a handful of people rolled in and out which is what I expected. I also discovered that since I now am running the game in full screen 4K I need to change my settings in OBS. Unfortunately I did not discover this until the stream was over and saw only a portion of my screen was being displayed, oh well. I’ll fix that.

I gained five levels in little over an hour of game play which is hauling ass. If I get time to play tonight I’ll hopefully carry this character to 70 as well. I’ll probably keep streaming my play sessions to Twitch, not because I have any delusions of becoming a Twitch streamer but because there may be small interesting outtakes from streaming there that could be clipped and pushed to YouTube where my content is monetized.

I know I have talked many times how I don’t look to a new year as a time to make change. My feeling has always been that if change is merited, desired, or required it should not need to coincide with a date on a calendar. There is no time like the present, right? Despite this general attitude I have I do think there have been scenarios where a calendar flip has coincided with a major shift in my attitude and course direction. The beginning of 2024 represented a huge change where I finally kicked myself in the ass enough times to make a permanent change that finally rid me of a toxic situation.

I think this year that effort will continue. I don’t have the energy to waste on that stuff anymore. It’s a finite resource that is better spent on things to propel me forward instead of pull me down.