Squeaking it out

Episode 6 of the 300 workout went down today.  The good news is I crossed the 190 total rep line, scratching out 191.  The bad news is I am hitting a plateau of just how many reps I can do of certain exercises.  The idea that every few days I can increase my number of reps on each exercise is fading fast.  My 18th pull up today was more like a half pull up.  To hit my 46 push ups and 23 box jumps I had to take mini-breaks towards the end of each set to take a breath to finish up.  I was looking at my platform for my box jumps, thinking to myself “Damn this thing looks high, it has to be more than 24 inches”  so I walked over to the counter and asked the owner if he had a tape measure, which he did.  I walked back into my little room and measured the height, expecting it to come in anywhere between 24 and 28 inches.  My mouth almost dropped open when I read 20 1/2, the step is actually 3 and a half inches short of “official” height.  Damn that was a bit of a bummer.  here I thought I was actually going above the bar on that exercise. 

  I finally hit 20 reps of the floor wipers.  Even though I try to eat my lunch early, a full hour before I hit the gym, every time I do the floor wipers I feel sick to my stomach.  By the time I hit 20 my hands, wrists and chest is starting to burn from holding the 135 pounds above me.  How a guy does 50 of these things is beyond me.  Anyway , I survived…