Just rolling thoughts

Ali only has two more official days as a Manor Care employee.  She is very excited at the prospect of not having to drag herself out of bed each morning by 6am.  I’m happy for and proud of her for pursuing this opportunity.  It should have an overall positive influence on most aspects of our life.

I heard a blurb on the news on how Obama and Hilary have now jumped on the pro-illegal immigrant bandwagon since the bill was defeated in the Senate.  This pisses me off.  It is such blatant posturing.  They view the dead bill as a failure by Bush so throwing their support behind it now it is an effort to grab Hispanic voters.  I’m sorry, even though I generally like either one of them as a candidate, this move really annoys me and turns me off.   Any candidate that caters to people that are here illegally is chopping themselves down several notches in my book.  Have a backbone.  Why so many in this country are willing to excuse the actions of illegal aliens is beyond me.  Add to it how the hispanic infiltration is turning the country into Amexico.  I am dumbfounded how America is adopting a second national language without much of a fight.  I don’t think “overrun” is too harsh of a word.  It’s a silent takeover.  Invasion of the Bodysnatchers, oh excuse me, I mean “La invasión del Bodysnatchers”

I started the process of cycling my RC batteries to get them ready for some flight attempts over my extended 5 day weekend.  I want to get the Speedwing AND my Sky Scooter in the air with the camera rig.  I haven’t taken any aerial shots in a couple years.  I hope I remember how to get it all working again.  It should be fun.

My laptop upgrades are complete.  I got a new battery and more memory for our 6 year old Sony Vaio ultrathin.  It is only a Celeron 650 but with 320 meg of memory it performs adequately.

Last night I watched 6 or 7 Beavis and Butthead episodes.  They are so damn funny.  I would love to see a dirty cartoon all star movie that had Beavis and Butthead, Ren and Stimpy and the South Park kids all interacting.  You know, sort of like that Hanna Barbera all star thing they had in the 70’s where all the different cartoon characters were on a big boat?

We may take in a fireworks show this year.  It’s been awhile since we saw fireworks on the 4th.  Normally the prospects of dealing with hordes of people, cancel out the desire to see fireworks.  I think the last time we saw them may have been 3 years ago.  I may force myself to go out and see them.  Ali has to work on Thursday so she may not feel like staying out late, we’ll see.

I spent a lot of time looking at the Iphone videos on Apple’s site.  Yes, it looks incredibly cool.  It makes my Treo look like a tin can with a string. However I have to question Apple tying it in exclusively to ATT/Cingular.  I think they could make a TON more money if they opened it up to all carriers.  It doesn’t make much business sense to me. Of course even as is, I am sure Apple execs can wipe their ass with hundred dollar bills if they wanted to.  The demos I saw just looked great, Apple really does know how to do an interface that is human friendly. 5 bills for this baby is steep though.  For fun I looked on ebay at the people that waited in line and bought phones just to resell them.  The prices were ridiculous, ranging from 1k up to 20k. 

I have yet another reason to be angry with RCI, the company that manages our timeshare points.  Not only do we pay them 100 dollars a year for the privilege to manage our points as well as a good chunk of dough whenever we make a reservation.  We get a bill in the mail the other day for $26 because we didn’t book anything in the past calendar year!  This company is f’ing unreal.  I really dislike them and can’t stand that we have no choice but to eat their bullshit if we want to get the use out of our timeshare dollars.  We need to book a trip somewhere but with our planned upcoming two week or so drive out west to see my dad, it cuts into time off for a “conventional” vacation.  RCI is a bunch of bloodsuckers. When I have used my timeshare points, I have had good experiences at the places we stayed, however outside of that, the experience has been very negative. Don’t get me started on that company that ripped me off posing as Timeshare rental broker…. yea, I never, ever got one inquiry from their bullshit service….