Up on the network

I spent a lot of time yesterday getting the laptop primed for insertion into my home network.  By bedtime last night it was set up on Ali’s desk humming along.  I still have a lot of stuff to do with/get working on it but the core things are in place.  The new arrangement leaves extra desk space for Ali.  The 15″ screen on the laptop is the same size as the LCD she had so we were able to remove that as well.  So far she seems happy with it.

We are into our 5th day of dog sitting.  Zoe has her own unique set of quirks to go along with Nicki’s impressive set.  Zoe is a female Jack Russell but she pees like a male dog, lifting her leg.  When I take them out to walk together she is obsessed with Nicki’s excrement.  Wherever Nicki drops something, Zoe has to go over, examine / sniff the area and then drop something as well.  When Nicki is in the act I have to hold Zoe back, if I let her, she would have her nose inches from the stream.  When Zoe is over, during the day we strip our bed of pillows.  If we didn’t do this she would use our pillows as personal dog beds. 

It’s funny how jealous Nicki acts when Zoe is over.  If Zoe comes up and sits or lays with us, Nicki will immediately come over and wedge herself in, wanting equal attention.  When treats are handed out, Nicki is very protective of “her” treat.  If Zoe makes a move towards it she will be greeted with a menacing growl.  Adding a second dog to the mix definitely changes the dynamic in the house.

I sent a few of my aerial shots that had horizon shots to the local paper.  They had some aerial shots in there the other day so I thought they may want some more.  The editor seemed interested and asked me for the original higher resolution ones.  I will be keeping an eye out to see if they show up in there.  I want to do some more aerial photo flights, this time getting as high as possible.  It should make for some cool panoramic shots.