Been awhile

I only posted once early last week. I’ve been sick since then with what started as a sore throat/aches/tired/weak thing and has now transformed into more of a chronic runny nose thing. I stayed home from work Wednesday and Thursday. It never turned into hardcore flu symptoms where I couldn’t get out of bed, it was just enough that I didn’t feel good enough to sit in my office all day. Instead, I spent most of the time sitting at my home office playing WoW.

We got a letter from FEMA, I anxiously opened it, hoping it would say that we qualified for at least a few bucks to help offset the uninsured portion of our hurricane damage. No such luck, the letter said we had insufficient damage. Damn it.

The weekend was very laid back. I still felt off so I didn’t have much inspiration to do very much. By the end of the weekend I felt like a bum. In the past year I have really laxed on the home projects. On Sunday night I had a million things running through my head , many of which were related to home maintenance things that could/should be done. I was feeling a bit mental. I know that a big part of the difference in the last year is because of the countless hours spent gaming on the computer. Instead of getting the house stuff done first and then using left over time to do my own thing, I often play first and once that happens it has a way of pushing other things by the wayside. I always heard that MMORPG games were like computer game crack, I often laughed at that notion before I became involved with them. I need to reestablish some priorities. Ignoring stuff that you know should be done feels good at first but soon after you just feel like a loser.

Well today is a new week and I hope to get back into my healthy routine. I missed the gym all last week because of illness so I am sure I will feel weak as a baby but I will work through it. Ali and I went for a run on Sunday. We both felt rotten and did less than we both expected. I chalked it up to a bad day. Ali wants to start increasing distance on our training runs from 3 to 4 miles and slowly increase from there to attain goals of running a 10k and hopefully a half marathon.

I watched 6 + hours of playoff football yesterday. Both games were rather lopsided. Of the teams that were left, I was pulling for Pittsburgh to win it all so I was happy they won. The Steelers were the very first NFL team I ever rooted for as a child. One of my childhood friends was a huge Cowboys fan so we had a bitter rivalry going. Sometime around 1980 I became a hard core Eagles fan and my Steelers allegiance waned. So with the Eagles season in the dumper, having the Steelers win would be a nice consoloation.