Dangerously tired, buzzed

Because of a combination of minor injuries and short weeks, I hadn’t done a 300 for two weeks.  I should have known better than to bring the watch.  Jeremy had shown me some clips of Cross Fit people doing the 300 and in those clips I saw people banging out the dead lifts rapid fire.  I figured, hey I can do the same.  So I start banging them out and I start getting really tired.   I manage to do them almost a full 25 seconds faster than I normally do them.  However I paid dearly through the rest of the workout.  Spending extra energy early on in the routine left precious little energy left to finish it.  I struggled through every exercise and by the time I got through the one handed C&P’s I was done.  I was so tired that it felt dangerous like I could pass out.  So even though I was still on pace to make a good time, I said f it and just sat on a bench for more than 5 minutes trying to regain my energy.  After that I trudged over to the pull up bar and knocked out my last 25 pull ups in an unimpressive manner.   The 300, at least for me is something I need to hit at least once a week.  Anymore of a break than that and I lose some ability to hack it.

On Saturday I was ready to get my hair buzzed, so much so that I took the clippers, stood in the middle of the living room floor and started at it myself with a one inch attachment.  I found that the one inch just wasn’t doing a good job so I went to a 3/4 attachment and then down to a 1/2 inch.  I was doing this without a mirror so I couldn’t see how I was doing, instead I went on “feel”.  I had ideas of going all out and doing my entire head with the 1/4 inch attachment but I stopped at 1/2.  I laughed when I looked in the mirror.  I basically had a mullet with some longer hair on the sides and back and short as a putting green on the top.  I called Ali in to mitigate the damage.  She used the 1/4 inch on my sides and back of my head and blended it in.  I have never had my hair cut quite this short.  It’s sort of a Justin Timberlake / David Beckham look.  Ultra short and fuzzy, a degree or two above a shaved head.  It’s as low maintenance as you can get.  It’s quite the contrast from the long haired, nasty straggly bearded look I was sporting only a couple weeks ago. I’m digging it.