Scheduled, more war, permitted

One feature of the Roomba that I never have really used is the scheduling feature.  With scheduling you can have your Roomba and virtual walls turn on whenever you want.  Well I decided to finally set it up with my two 400 series Roombas.  I set them to run at 4:30 every Tuesday and Thursday.  On Tuesday after work I had forgotten that I set scheduling up.  I realized it when I walked in to nicely swept carpet with both Roombas back in their docks recharging.  It was pretty sweet. made a commercial regarding Iraq title “How to make a 100 year war, 6 months at a time…” There isn’t much I need to add to it.

 Yesterday the county inspector came out to inspect the fence.  The fence passed with flying colors.   In fact the guy complimented us on the work, saying it looked great.  He was surprised to learn that we dug almost all of the holes by hand. 

Monday and Tuesday nights I felt really hungry, even after eating dinner.  I responded to the hunger by stuffing myself with Pop Tarts, about as unhealthy of a choice as you can make.  Luckily I can afford to make some dietary blunders here and there.  Last night I managed to keep Pop Tarts off the menu.

Spook will be coming home tomorrow after work.  I can hardly wait.