
I went home sick yesterday. Although I was sick from the Eagles loss, this was more of a stomach ailment. Late in the morning I had one of the episodes in the bathroom where you pray that noone else comes in. Thankfully, noone did. Afterwards I felt weak, had the chills and just overall felt terrible. So I went home and slept for almost 4 hours. After my nap my stomach still felt unsettled but I was able to function. Today I feel pretty much back to normal.

I took all sorts of abuse for the Eagles loss yesterday in my abbreviated stint at work. I have some vocal Patriot supporters here that loved turning the knife. I took it like I should and continued on my miserable way.

The commute to work today took 90 minutes. It is a bit unsettling knowing that my ability to continue to tolerate the ever worsening traffic situation out here is coming to an end. Sooner or later I’ll just snap and say “To hell with it, we are selling and moving” It really affects your quality of life.