Constant Bailing, Hand Always Out

I headed over to the school after work to see if I would have any more luck trying to learn the Leiftech skateboard.  Unfortunately I didn’t have time last night to edit the video of the session because it was funny to be sure.  I managed to stay on the board a little bit, my longest ride was maybe 100 feet but most rides were much shorter than that resulting in me bailing off the board once I lost my balance.  I remember similar feelings of “I’ll never figure this out” when I first started trying to learn EUCs and again when I started trying to learn to ride them backwards.  The fact that I did eventually get it through perseverance makes me think that with enough time I could get the hang of this board.

However there is another factor at this point in my life, the rash of physical issues I have  been having recently, in this instance my left knee and lower back.  Running off the board after bailing just does not feel good, at all.  Last night my lower back was making all sorts of crunching noises in protest.  It’s rather depressing.  I plan to rotate and reverse the wheels and tighten the trucks to see if it helps at all.  Part of the issue with this chronic state of injury is it makes me very quick to bail off the board the second I feel even the littlest loss of control which is going to make the learning curve even steeper than it already is.  I’ll give it another session or two of practice but if don’t see any notable progress I’ll just return the board and accept the sense of failure, something that doesn’t sit well with me.

I have been deluged with an absolutely ridiculous amount of emails asking for money for the two presidential campaigns.  I guess since I have donated a couple times to Bernie I got put on the list as a good target to squeeze for more.  Hey of course I want Biden to win by default but hitting me up for money multiple times EACH day is just flat out annoying.  I need to start a massive unsubscription campaign to these various email lists.   Don’t make me regret donating in the past, you make the prospect of getting future donations from me very slim.