Walking it off, Gourmet cooking

As expected yesterday had me walking around slower than normal due to soreness in the majority of my body from my very physically active weekend. Even so I still got my ass to the gym for a workout. Some may say it’s a sickness, I say it’s a daily investment in my health that hopefully keeps paying dividends.

Last night I spared no expense in my dinner preparation I used not one but TWO burners on the stove simultaneously to prepare my Beyond Burger along with Kraft mac n cheese. It was hard work but worth it. Yes my tongue is firmly planted in my cheek.

I was considering talking about deeper subjects today but will instead only leave you with this quote I read the other day.

In every story a narcissist will be either the hero or the victim, but never the villain.

So true.

Last year I reversed the decision I made to not even post links to the blog on my personal Facebook. I also was in the final stages of throwing out anything and everything at the old house that did not have viable future in my new surroundings.