Go Phils
I fell asleep when the score was 3-1, I just could not stay awake. I was happy to see the Phils held on for a 3-2 win. It would be a fantastic thing if the Phillies could break through for a World Series win.
Is it possible for the economic news to get any worse? Each day there just seems to be another wheelbarrow full of negative news dumped out there.
Last night we went to a runner’s club pot luck dinner. There were more people there than I expected, at least 30. We were asked to come. We were presented with a gift certificate as a token of appreciation for the work Ali and I have done in regards to setting up and operating the new timing system. It was a nice gesture. Ali and I are constantly being thanked for all of the work we do on the system, it makes the effort worth it.
I’m not feeling chatty.