Corn dog, No need

Last night playing volleyball was a test of endurance. The extreme heat and humidity had me sweating buckets all night. When it was combined with a higher than the already high amount of times I normally hit the sand, I was coated head to toe. I wasn’t happy with how I played. I was not being as aggressive when hitting, trying to not hit into the net or out but the end result were balls that were not that hard to defend. We also seemed to have incredibly bad luck with the other teams hitting shots that just caught the line repeatedly. Anyway, it added up to a rather frustrating evening, it happens.

After play I grabbed dinner at Tacos n Tequila. They had the debate on some of the TVs but I chose to watch UFC fighting instead. I really had no interest in watching two old men, neither of which would be my choice to lead anything, participate in a debate that had the build up of a wrestling PPV. It’s nuts.

The couple recaps I saw of the debate were not glowing for either candidate. Biden evidently looked like a confused old man for much of it which was the opposite of what they were hoping to do. It sounded like Trump ran his normal game plan of misinformation/outright lying however I did see he was described as more calm than normal which was somewhat surprising. Regardless, my outlook for what is ahead is pretty dire, no matter the outcome of the election.

I do find it strange that evidently a lot of people seem to think if Trump wins things are going to magically drop in price and inflation will go away. It seems to me that a lot of people are misplacing blame here. During the height of Covid the world supply chain got f’d, causing scarcity everywhere you looked. The cost of shipping items skyrocketed as well. So the end result of all of this scarcity was the raising of prices, however the catch is even though that scarcity has relaxed for quite a long time the prices never dropped. Instead businesses made huge profits from continuing to keep prices elevated regardless of if we were no longer in crisis mode or not.

Remember when airlines claimed all of the bag fees and other nickel and dime charges were a result of high fuel costs years ago? Even when fuel later dropped to the cheapest prices in ages they never pulled back those fees. Once prices hit a certain level it’s damn near impossible to reverse them as businesses are always looking to maintain or increase profits, not reduce them, just to be nice. Anyway my point is I think people that are convinced reinstating Trump will be the magic wand to fix all that is wrong will be disappointed. I am just going to keep my head down and do my best to keep my small slice of existence stable and intact.

This weekend I have a number of small to do’s to mix among pickleball and going out to dinner on Saturday night. My July is going to have some pretty busy sections so I guess I should enjoy the calm while I can.