Move it, The Light

Yesterday a moveable mic mount I ordered arrived. Since I moved to my new house I have been just using a normal stand configuration for my mic which is ok but sort of limited in it’s positioning. With the arm I can put the mic exactly where it needs to be when I am using it and when I am not I can swing it totally out of my way.
I used to have this set up with my old desk at the old house but it was not great because the mount point was high, making the arm itself become part of what the camera saw. With the arm being mounted lower as it is now that should no longer be an issue. This new configuration should work out better for live streaming. I am also thinking about starting to play WoW again and if I do there is a possibility I could be streaming some of that as well. This mic mount will give me the flexibility that I need.

Yesterday I received an unexpected email from the Florida Department of Management Services. It was to officially notify me that I was now less than 5 years from my potential retirement date. It took me by surprise. Although I knew I was approximately this close to retirement seeing this email made it feel more tangible.
The email included a number of suggestions that will help me get myself aligned and ready to retire when that day comes. A lot of people I know that have worked here take advantage of a program called DROP. Basically it is a way the state incentivizes employees to stay on longer so they can hold on to all of that experience a long term employee offers. Basically after you reach full retirement age you can stay up to an additional 8 years in DROP. Your reward for doing so is a big lump sum of cash when you do finally leave.
It’s very tempting to a lot of people to extend their employment to get this cash bonus. To me the temptation of being freed from the constraints of a job, free to do what I want, when I want and where I want is far more tempting. The light at the end of the tunnel is clearly visible now, I just want to get there without my wheels falling off so I can enjoy what life has to offer me at that point in time.
This weekend I hope to have a productive couple of days with a good mix of fun mixed in, maybe getting out on a ride on my V13. I need to do some work on my Master V4. My kitchen has looked like an EUC chop shop for quite awhile between the work I was doing first on the V13 followed by the Master. My intent is to have all of that cleaned up by the end of the weekend.
My pickleball hiatus will continue this weekend despite my desire to get out there and hit the ball around. I had my second yoga class of the week yesterday and my mini-workout I do at home now also includes exercises to strengthen the muscles that are IT band essential. I have had enough of this issue.
Anything and everything I do will include an extra layer of clothing as the chilly air is forecast to be in place for quite awhile yet.