Here and gone

We’ve had probably close to a dozen visitors since we have been down in Florida. Usually they stay a long weekend, 4 days or so. Other than my mom, I don’t believe anyone has been down longer than my brother and sister-in-law. They were here from Wednesday to Wednesday. In that span of 7 days or so I believe we saw them a total of maybe 5 or 6 hours. Pretty disappointing. I knew ahead of time that because of the way they scheduled to see my sister-in-laws parents the 3 days we were off work would result in us not seeing them much. I guess what really irked me was yesterday we had made tentative plans to meet them for dinner since it was their last night in Florida. I spoke to my sister-in-law in the morning and we went over several options so we could get Ali to dinner with us before she had to go to dog class with Nicki later that night. My mom and them were going to talk it over and get back to me soon. They wanted to go to downtown Naples and shop during the afternoon and then we would meet them after work somewhere. Well I never got a call back. Finally at 3 on a whim I called my mom’s place. Evidently they instead went to the beach and hadn’t even gone to Naples yet. So they would not be ready to eat dinner until late so that ruled out Ali from attending anything. I was frustrated and left it with my brother to call me back and let me know what they wanted to do. Shortly afterward my mom calls me and says they hadn’t even gotten ready yet, they ate a late lunch and they were just going to go to downtown Naples and shop and pick something up whenever they got hungry. That got me mad, first that they basically totally disregarded us and second Todd didn’t call me back, mom did. From what I gather, my brother basically refuses to question anything my sister-in-law wants because she is pregnant. She was steering the ship throughout the trip and if she wanted to do something evidently Todd felt powerless to question it.

Oh well today they fly back. I guess I am not all that surprised it all went down as it did. It’s just too bad.