Crazy dream

Nicki woke me up a few minutes before the alarm went off, I was in the middle of a wacky dream that I wanted to record before I forgot it. It went something like this.

First part I remember, some old pristine muscle car I had (think it was a Nova) was sold to some guy by me. For some reason I was back at this guys garage. He had transformed it into a freakish ugly contraption. It was now 3 colors, had 2 mototrs inline towards the back of the car. One of the motors was not complete and was just sitting there but it did have a dual carb setup. The car itself looked like it came from a junkyard. The guy made more modifications like where the wheels used to be, he welded on some homemade supports and had mini spare tires on some shafts and one wheel was actually made of wood branches tied together into a wheel like thing. I think the car had 6 wheels altogether. He had added one thing that I did like. On the trunk there was a button you could press to make the trunk open and another one to press to make it close. The trunk itself was filled with a bunch of junk spare parts. When I sat in the car I noticed that the odometer had been changed. I confronted the guy and asked him if he switched odometers, he sheepishly said yes. I said “Ah so you are are trying to cover up the fact that it had a salvage title…” Then I drove the car a little bit while the guy was walking beside me. The car ran like an out of tune tractor. I got out and again made mention of how shady it was to switch odometers. The guy asked me if I wanted to buy the car back. I scoffed at the idea at first. But then thinking how the guy paid me 5 grand for it, I threw out a number in jest. 500 bucks, I offered kiddingly. “Ok” the guy said. I was astonished he accepted. I looked at Ali (who just showed up somehow) She shook her head no. She said “200” The guy heard it and came back and said I’ll do it for 300. Deal. I had my old Nova back now with 2 extra wheels, a mid-dual engine design, a wood wheel and an automatic trunk. Scene 2

I am in my 6 wheeled Nova with a friend of mine, I can’t quite place who he is. The car feels very unstable because of the wood wheel so I am driving very slowly. We are on a high mountain road that is narrow and twisting. I tell my buddy the car has the wood wheel and feels unstable. Shortly afterward a blue chevette and some truck come rolling down the mountain and just miss hitting us as they roll over the guardrail and down the hill. I went even slower then. My friend and I agreed that for 300 bucks it was still a good deal. We could take the car down to the Immokalee drag strip and beat the hell out of it.
Scene 3

I am back in high school, not my high school but some high school. It is the first day of school. For some reason before school even starts, I am in the gym locker room getting ready. Everyone else was there too getting ready. I showered and put on an oversized Denver Broncos football jersey and a pair off zoobas pants. I didn’t shave and also put on a baseball cap down low over my eyes, gangsta style. I drove the Nova to school. I was running late and couldn’t find my homeroom. I was walking the halls by myself looking at a map. Finally I found a list that had my name listed. I was on the 4th floor. I quietly entered homeroom. The woman teacher chastised me for being late. I found my seat and was seated next to an attractive girl. She immediately started talking to me. She said that I had really changed and looked cute, she said I looked real “sporty” She then said her name was Helen I think. She said I probably didn’t recognize her from last year because she had plastic surgery over the summer. I told her that it turned out well cause she looked hot.

Somehow next I am in the school auditorium watching some sort of talent show. The first act I see is a bunch of guys wearing matching purple outfits with hats dancing and singing around the stage. I focus in on a couple of them that are really bad singers and have no rhythm and think to myself how karaoke is best done in groups because you can hide how bad you are easily.

Nicki wakes me up, end of story. No analysis necessary, just wanted to share. 🙂