Odd thing
I had a weird thing going on yesterday. In my regular work routine I am on my pc at work all day long. However when I come home at night I have no issues hopping on my pc at home and doing stuff, playing WoW etc… Well for some reason after being at home on my pc all day long with the remote training I found that the absolute last thing I felt like doing last night was to be on it at all. I watched lived TV, played with the dogs and even sat through a DWTS with Ali. I went to bed early, I felt a bit off all day long.
Since I haven’t been able to do my normal lunch time gym session I wanted to do at least some sort of exercise yesterday. I hopped on the bike and did a short ride. The main objective was to try out the baggy bike shorts. When you put them on they feel rather odd, almost like you are wearing a diaper with a load in them due to the padding. Once I got on the bike I could definitely notice some additional comfort in the rear end region. I just went to the end of our road and back, around 4 miles. On the way out I was in a steady head wind. On the way back that wind was pushing me and I was flying! I wish I had the GPS on to see exactly how fast I was going. I’m not sure if I ever posted an actual pic of my bike, here ya go.