I remembered some more details I wanted to relay as well as a very odd thing that happened this morning.
I forgot to mention some displays of bad sportsmanship that occured at the tournament. The first one was by myself. During the first game we had a huge lead and blew it. During the downslide we had a long back and forth rally that ended with me diving for a ball and not getting it. Instantly, I yell F*CK, really loud. I mean I am sure anyone within 50 yards heard it. I was embarrassed. It was just a reflex but still, I hadn’t gotten mad enough in a match for years to have yelled that. I apologized to the people that were sitting in our immediate area.
Incident two occured on the court right next to us. A player was very pissed and yelled the same thing, possibly a few decibels louder then me. He wasn’t satisifed with that. On gamepoint after they lost, he ranted some more and then pulled down the net.
Finally the last incident occured on our net. One of teams had a brazilian guy on it. He was about to hit a set when a ball rolled on the court from another court so we all yelled BALL, meaning to stop play since there was another ball on the court. In a flash, he stops, turns, and kicks the ball as hard as he could. It rockets off and barely misses hitting someone. He apologized afterward saying it was just a reflex thing. He was damn lucky he didn’t nail someone with it or we would have been pulling guys off of him.
The weird story from this morning is a keeper. As I am walking into the building, lunch pail in one hand, gym bag over the other shoulder. An older guy, maybe in his 50’s stops me and asks if I was going to work out. I mumbled something like “Yea, maybe later…” Instantly, this guy went off into a bizzare story. To be honest I wasn’t listening very closely but the parts I got were something like this. Some general was working out on a ship, Mike Wallace interviewed him and asked him why he ok’d spending an extravagant amount on something years ago. The general got angry and told Mike Wallace he authorized that and many other expenditures and did not have to answer to him. He told Mike Wallace to F himself. There was much more detail he threw in there but like I said I was sort of dumbstruck that he was telling me this in the first place. When he was finished, I nodded my head in approval and said something like “Yea that is amazing, wow….” as I backed away. He looked like he was satisified by telling me the tale and continued on his way. I don’t get it….. how do I get myself into these conversations?
Freak magnet.