Ortho antics, Hectic, grounded
Well the good news is I didn’t have to get reproximation done. The bad news is, that is because I still have the same set in up top and went back two on the bottom. Argh. Evidently there is one tooth on the the bottom that needs to be rotatated and isn’t moving as it should. So the ortho came up with a different course of attack. I was on tray number 14. We went back to tray 12. He took tray 12 and did some monster garage type of modifications to it. He cut out at a few places and then attached a metal “button” to the tooth that isn’t turning. So now I have a rubber band that hooks to the aligner and attaches to the button in order to provide more torque. At least he is trying something different. It is a bit of pain in the ass because everytime I take out the aligners to eat I have to change the rubberband as well. I have a feeling Alison will be in for something similar when she goes back next week. What orignally seemed like a no brainer treatment plan is getting to be more and more complicated and lengthy.
After the ortho I stopped at Sam’s club to pick up some groceries. We had also talked about picking up a king size mattress there before my brother-in-law comes down next weekend. So although I was by myself, I decided to get the mattress while I was there since I had the truck. Big mistake.
Let me digress for a second to mention how annoying and idiotic I find it that when you leave Sam’s they have a peon at the door checking the receipt against what you have in the cart. When it’s busy, this causes a huge logjam at the door and is a huge waste of time. I really feel like walking right past and saying, “If you think I stole something, call the cops”. One of these days I will. It’s total BS.
Anyways I get past the exit door monkey pushing a regular shopping cart and pulling a mattress cart with a king size mattress, 2 box springs and a bed frame. I slowly make my way to the truck. I look at the skies out towards our house, gray and dark, very ominous. Oh well, it’s too late now. I figured everything is wrapped in plastic, it should be ok. So now I begin trying to get everything in the truck. It takes me forever to get everything in the bed. If you have never attempted to get a king size bed set into a pickup truck yourself, I don’t recommend attempting it. I was getting really pissed because I see person after person walking by, obviously seeing me struggling to hold the mattress upright while attempting to pull the box spring into the bed. Not one person offers to lift a finger to assist me. A-holes. So after about 10 minutes of struggling I got it in. I pin it all down with bungee cords and begin my drive home.
About a mile later I run into a wall of rain. Water is streaming off the stuff but again I am confident the plastic will protect it. As I get up to about 45 mph I notice the mattress is moving and shifting more than I comfortable with. I start looking for a dry spot to work on it. No such luck, the best I could do was to pull up next to back of the grocery store which offered me partial cover from the roof overhang. I jump out of the truck and adjust the bungees as I am getting soaked and progressively more angry. Back on the road, I decide to throw on the 4 way flashers and didn’t crack 45 the rest of the way home. I backed the truck into the garage to get the bedding out of the elements.
Then they real work began. My dad comes down today so there was a bunch to do already not even counting the new bedding I just delivered home. I began operation “bedding rotation” It went like this. I disassembled the day bed in the 2nd guest room and removed it. Then Ali came home so she assisted in the rest. We disassembled the daybed in the 1st guest bedroom and moved it to the 2nd guest bedroom. We set up the new bedframe I bought at Sam’s in the 1st guest bedroom and then took apart our bed and moved it to that room. Finally, we brought the new bedding into our bedroom. However when we removed the plastic we found that the plastic had some ventilation holes in it which also allowed some water to get in. The bedding wasn’t drenched but pretty wet in certain parts. Alison was mad I had the bug up my ass to bring it home myself and when it was obviously going to rain. So I brought in the fan from the shed, propped up the mattress and turned the fan on it full blast to assist in drying it out. I also cranked the AC to help pull the moisture out. While we were cleaning I snapped at Ali and made some dumb comment about her vacuuming the “lazy way”. It was just a result of me being frustrated about the way things were going. I apologized shortly thereafter, it was a stupid thing to say.
The rest of the night we pretty much ran around non-stop cleaning things up, putting things away, making beds, doing laundry, cleaning and organizing in order to have the house in decent shape. My dad could care less about that stuff but still I want the place to look somewhat organized. By 9:30 the bedding had dried out enough that we could put it back down and make the bed. A very busy Thursday evening. Dad will be here around dinner tonight and he leaves sometime Sunday, a quick visit. He has some conference in Orlando, Monday.
Rainy season appears to have arrived. What that means is almost everyday we can expect to get some downpours during the afternoon. A side effect of this is I can’t take my Vette to work. It’s a bit of a bummer. I would have loved to take it today but since the weatherstripping along the roof panel is deteriorated, it leaks badly during hard rain. I need to get that fixed.
Musical Mattresses ….nice. You get angry because you’re a woman in a mans body..it’s clear to the rest of us. I’know I’ve said it before but here it is again. More blog entries about house cleaning and strangers unwilling to help the damsel in distress. Well I have news for you, the damsel is 6’4″ with giant feet and an even bigger head….I have visions of shoppers pulling their children just a little closer as you pass by.
The rain does sound problematic. Could be worse…..you could still live in PA.