3 days

I have a long weekend coming up Last night we got the pot rack we ordered. Pots and pans take up huge chunks of cabinet space so a pot rack can be a huge help in freeing that up. At first I just took it of the box and looked it over. Then I took the plastic off and looked at the directions. Then I started inspecting various hanging locations around the kitchen. Then before you know it I am standing on the the kitchen counter with the stud finder, a ruler and the drill. Then of course since I had the hooks in the ceiling I had to go to Home Depot to get longer chain to accomodate the high ceilings. By 9:15 the pot rack was up, complete with pots hanging on it. I honestly had no intention of doing that last night. Just happens sometimes, weird.

I am playing volleyball in Siesta Keys tomorrow. On Sunday, Alison leaves for 3 days for some conference on the east coast so I will be solo (well me and the dog) for Sunday and Monday. On Sunday I may meet up with a guy I met at the gym and his wife to play some golf and/or hang at a sports bar. The rest of the weekend will be filled with doing stuff around the house I’m sure. Nothing terribly exciting going on.

Oh I forgot to mention I bought one of those Sony All-In-One super remotes after seeing both Charlie and my bro-in-law had one. I bought it off ebay of course (saved 50 bucks) It was listed as basically new, the box was opened but everything was included. I got it Wednesday night and excitedly ripped into it. It said it was configured out of the box to support Sony TV’s, sweet! I fired it up, select TV and hit the power button, nothing. Hit it again, and again, nothing. I get within a foot of the TV, nothing. Damn it, guess I have to get out the book. So as I am reading through the book I verify that it should work with it’s default settings. After messing with it for close to an hour I decide to call the toll free support line. Of course I get some Korean sounding guy that I have a hard time understanding. He verifies my product number, he asks for the serial number. Ok I give it to him. He asks where I bought it, I told him. Then he asks what TV I have. I told him a Sony big screen. He wants the model number and serial of that too. I explain that I need to pull the TV out to even see that. He says he needs it to help with troubleshooting. Argh, ok. I pull it out and peer around the back and read him the numbers. Then he asks me where I bought the TV and when I bought it? What the hell, what does this have to do with anything?

So he begins his troubleshooting process which was nothing more than reading out of the same manual I had. He was worthless. His best advice was to pull the batteries and leave them out, after 24 hours it should reset to the default settings. “thanks (for nothing)”. So I pulled the batteries, waited 22 hours and tried again, same crap! Grrr. Determined now, I again poured through the directions and finally found the problem. I was able to reset the tv settings and low and behold it worked! Now that I got past the initial problem, I love it. It will replace 5 remotes.

Hopefully no more Jack sightings this weekend. I get the feeling we both know we spoke our piece and we will leave it at that. Gnome feels differently.