
For some reason I have noticed that the word “crazy” has become a go to word in my vernacular recently. ‘That’s crazy”, “It’s crazy” or just plain “Crazy…”  comes out of my mouth on a far too regular basis.  I am not quite sure what kicked use of the word into high gear for me or why, even though I am aware I am doing it, I have been unsuccessful in choosing alternative words to describe a situation or express my feelings. In many cases it doesn’t even make sense why I would use that word at all.  It rained a lot last night, crazy…  The cat isn’t eating, crazy…. 

I was talking to an old guy at the gym that I strike up mini-conversations with now and then.  He was telling me about his various surgeries to fix his knees, hips and back (to which in response I used “crazy” once or twice).  Anyway he said he goes to the gym just to keep everything working.  He said in fact he just applied to try to get into the Peace Corp which requires an applicant to be in able physical condition. For some reason that struck a chord with me.  I found myself Googling “join the Peace Corp” when I got back.  You know it’s something I would seriously consider if my life situation would change for some reason, honest.  That would be living in the true sense of the word. Crazy.