A big F U to the blog spammers!
I have had problems with a-holes blog spamming for quite a while but it was never more than 10-15 at a shot so I just went in and cleaned them up. I really don’t understand the point of it. Basically they would add comments to entries that promoted porn, penis growth, cheap drugs and so on. Well today I got blasted, when I got home I had over 500 spam comments that were posted on the blog! I did some quick research and found a plug-in that not only will block known spammers with a blacklist, if some jerk does manage to get through, I can clean up his garbage in a matter of seconds. So to any and all blog spammers EAT SHIT and DIE!! The ride here is over. That is all.
Yeah! Let’s take them out back and beat the crap out of them! No-life geek bastards!