Live hurricane feed right now!
I am off work today so I got the bright idea to broadcast the view out my front door for anyone wanting to see what a hurricane (or at least being on the perimeter of one) looks like. If you want to see it, open Windows Media Player and then select OPEN URL. Enter That will connect you to my home box and my camcorder that is pointed out the window. I only have limited bandwidth so of course I can’t support more than a few connections at a time. If our power goes out of course the show is over so check it out while you can!
Hope all is well and you are not swimming out to rescue the cub or that poor tree. Wanted to let you know that I am addicted to this site as well! Guess we all have voyeuristic tendencies, some more than others ;). I was sucked into this blog via Take care – Jenny, Mechanicsburg, PA