Well after working with my web host provider, they could provide little insight besides pointing out that several of the packages I had installed had potentital security vulnerabilities that could lead to a compromise of security. So I updated 2 of the suspect packages to newer versions that addressed these issues and totally wiped out the third. So if I wake up tomorrow to another hijacked home page I will have to force the issue with my provider some more.
If I had to guess, it probably is somehow related to the blog and the new anti-spam stuff I installed. I see constant notices of it blocking potential spammers which probably is pissing people off. I found out the reason behind the blog spamming. Evidently it is a way to increase page rankings in search engines. The more pages that these sites show up on, even blog comment pages, the higher these sites get ranked.
My ass has been dragging from staying up and watching the olympics nightly. I really find it interesting, probably because I only see these events once every 4 years. If they were on every week I would tire of them quickly.
I decided to finally step into the dangerously addictive world of fantasy football. Keener has run a league for over 10 years so I knew about how involving it could be. I already have the NFL Sunday Ticket package on my dish so I have the main tool to keep up to date on the games as they occur. I joined the nfl.com league. I hopped into a public league that is for beginners. Hell I don’t even have to draft my own players, it will auto-draft for me. I figured it was a low effort, low expense way to test the waters to see if I enjoy it. If I do then I’ll move onto greater things next season. I always used to chastise fantasy football geeks, now I am becoming one of them. I have been assimilated.
Randy Romero
Since when did competitive masturbation become an olympic sport?