F’in hurricane wrecked another weekend

Quick sidenote, read the comments from the last blog entry, good stuff. 🙂

Hurricane Jeanne screwed up this weekend. The volleyball tournament was supposed to be big. It was my first time in South Beach. South Beach is unlike anywhere I have been before. All the buildings along the water are painted in bright pastels and it makes you feel like you just walked onto the set of Miami Vice. I was digging it. The little park that was in front of the beach was filled with artists when we arrived as they were holding some sort of art festival. These people were just sitting under the palm trees, painting whatever they wanted. Some painted the view of the ocean, some painted the buildings, some just painted an abstract. Even though I am far from the artistic type, I still could appreciate how good some of it was.

There was a wide range of people in the area from the ultra-beautiful to the homeless. In the first 5 minutes I saw a couple things that caught my eye. One was a HUGE, sand castle that I guess these guys make, destroy and rebuild on a regular basis. One of the creators friends was on guard. I threw a couple bucks in the tip jar as it was really an amazing spectacle. Ali and I both wondered how in the world they did certain aspects of it, the detail was incredible. The second oddity was a guy riding around the area on a Segway, those 2 wheel oddities that were supposed to be the next hot mode of personal transportation. The odd part was in the basket in the front he had a little dog. He was just tooling around the area checking out the art, the volleyball and seemingly enjoying himself. Cool stuff. I had to find the bathroom as the long drive had done a number on me. It was down the beach a bit. When I went inside, there was a rastafarian sort of dude in there. The bathrooms had no mirrors and soap dispensers. It looks like their ommision was intentional but I was not sure what the reason for it was.

Play was not supposed to start until 12. Well in true Bud Light fashion it didn’t start until after 1. Our very first game was tough. We got down 18-12 and were playing poorly. In rally scoring games a 6 point lead is very hard to overcome. (game was to 25) However we managed to claw back and win the game 25-23. It was a nice way to start the day. The original format of the tournament was to play until 5 pm, call it a day and finish up pool play and playoffs on Saturday. When we started we were told we were going to try to finish up ALL of pool play because of Hurricane Jeanne. However as we got later into the afternoon we got word that they had put the area under hurricane WARNING and now there was a mad dash to finish EVERYTHING today because we simply would not be allowed to play beyond 7:30 Friday night. So everyone kicked it into high gear, there were minimal breaks between games. We won our remaining 3 games with some up and down play. But the end 4-0 result put us as the top seed in the playoffs.

Right around then we had noticed a black lab mix that reminded us of Nicki just roaming the beach. He had a collar and a tag but his owner was nowhere to be found. All pets have to be on leash at south beach so we thought he may of just gotten away from his owner. Ali was going to try to catch him but he took off down the path. Later he shows up again as I am playing. He comes over and pees on my partners cooler. Ali got ahold of the dog and was trying to figure out where the owner was. She called the number on the dog tag. A woman answered and said it was her boyfriends dog, he was playing volleyball, he always just lets him run around when he is playing. What the hell? She offered nothing beyond that and hung up. Well we weren’t going to just let the pooch run around. It could dart into the traffic and get hit. So we found something to leash him with and were walking him down to the main tournament tent so they could make an announcement and the owner could come and get him. Just before we got there a guy comes running up behind us saying he is the owner. Ali said she found the dog running loose and how he pissed on our stuff. The guy had big ass crooked teeth and a spanish accent. He said “Oh he is fine, I let him run around. He is a puppy” Ali told him you can’t just let the dog run loose, he has to be on a leash. The guy pretty much repeated the same thing and took the dog by the collar and started to walk him back up. He didn’t seem to understand our point. As soon as he got 10 yards away he let the dog loose again and chased him back up the path. Eventually he collared him and then leashed him up by his court. Dumb ass.

The word came down that we were going to be doing rally games to 11 for the playoffs. This meant the games would go incredibly quick and left little room for error. It was already getting dark. We had a bye the first round and then played our semi-final match. Things started out ok but then we had a series of unforced errors that just kill you in a rally game. We lost a close game. I was pissed. But I had litle time to dwell on it as daylight was almost gone and the team we were against for the 3/4 playoff was waiting for us. It was the team we beat in the first round of pool play with the big comeback. We got up on them early but then again they came back on us and beat us after even more unforced errors and poor play on our part. Tournament/season over. I was really frustrated by yet another poor showing in the playoffs. I was good on offense when I got a chance to swing at the ball but I didn’t get enough chances to make a difference. It was yet another big disappointment.

During all the hoopla about the tournament only running this one day Ali and I figured that even so, we could have a nice evening at South Beach, stay at the hotel we booked and then sleep in a bit and have a casual drive back home tomorrow morning. Well after the loss we got word that they were going to be ordering mandatory evacs Saturday at 7 am. SHIT! That meant that the roads would probably be clogged with people Saturday morning. It was already 8pm. So we agreed it made little sense to stay there. By the time we would have went to the room, showered, eaten dinner and walked around it would have been close to midnight. Then to wake up early to fight the traffic would have been dreadful. So I got to double up my disappointment. I was really looking forward to a dogless day or two away from it all.

The traffic in Miami SUCKS. People drive like assholes. As we were walking to the parking garage we noticed that South Beach motorists aren’t big believers in yielding to pedestrians. We saw one unbelievable maneuever where an SUV went through an intersection, stopped, and while traffic was coming behind them, threw it in reverse full speed to park in a spot across the intersection. I never saw anything like it. As I tried to get out of the city it was a stressful, white knuckle experience trying to avoid the idiots tailgating, changing lanes like mad and speeding up if they saw you were trying to go into their lane. I guess all the asshole drivers from the northeast simply migrate their bad city driving skills to the south. Once I got out onto the open highway and alligator alley I dropped the pedal and did 85-90 most of the way home. I just wanted the day to be done with.

Of course Nicki was thrilled to not have to spend the night alone without us. I jumped in the pool to clean the layer of sandy grime off and then took a shower and went to bed. As I lay there trying to fall asleep I tried to not dwell on being pissed about the day but had a hard time doing so. It bugged me enough that first thing Saturday morning here I am on the puter blogging it. Happy hurricanes to all.