Invisalign Attempt 2, Alternative exercise, FF injury issues, Vette, Land Tycoon attempt #2, New search

I have been on a holding pattern with my invisalign braces for a month and a half while I was waiting for my new set to come in. All this time I was wearing the last of the old set. I probably had them in for 2 and a half months. They are IMPOSSIBLE to keep clean after that amount of time. They were cracked, had a hole in them and were just a mess. Once I got my new set I threw the old ones in the garbage, good riddance. When I saw the info for the new aligners I saw 28 for the top and 20 for the bottom!!! IF things go without delay that would mean I have like another year and a half to go ON TOP of the year I already have put into it. F’in unreal. I would have been better off just biting the bullet and going with a metal mouth.

My soon to be former gym is closed all week doing “renovations” so I have been trying to do some sort of minimal exercise to keep things on par until I get to resume my normal workout routine. On Monday night I did some pilate exercises with Alison along with some other stuff she learned from the trainer she is working with. It was surprisingly tough and my legs definitely felt it when we were done. Last night after we spent an hour or so finishing up weed blocking the orchard, we both jumped in the pool and swam laps. Again it was much tougher than I expected. I have a new found respect for swimmers. Pulling yourself through the water exerts forces on muscles that is totally foreign to me. I tried to do the equivalent of 100 meters each of breast stroke, side stroke and freestyle. That little bit was as tiring as any cardio machine I’ve done in the past couple years. It’s cool to mix things up once in awhile. Tonight I may do some rollerblading.

I finally got my first win in fantasy football this week. I’m now 1-2. Ironically I scored my fewest amount of points of the 3 weeks but still managed to get a W. My team has had some bad luck with injuries. On my team I had Kellen Winslow, Rich Gannon and Charlie Garner. All 3 of these guys are either out for the season or have sustained serious injuries that will make them miss extended time. So I have been scrambling to find replacements. I am not feeling very hopeful about a win this week. You know my team is hurting when 3 of my starters are Emmett Smith at RB, Chad Lewis at TE and Ben Rothlisberger at QB.

The result of the for sale ad in the Sunday paper for the vette so far has been 2 phone calls. The first one was an older gentleman that looked like he was close to retirement age. He came out to the house on Monday night with his wife to look at it. I let him and his wife take it out for a drive. I pretty much knew the moment I saw him he wasn’t going to be a buyer. The feeling was cemented when he pulled back into the driveway and as he pulled in, the car stalled and he drifted to a stop. He was very nice about it but said the car was a bit too rough for what he was looking for. He was all armed with printouts from Kelly Blue Book showing the value of the car to be substantially less than what I have it listed for. (which I already knew) But the car wasn’t even worthy of a lowball offer from him. Oh well. Any guy that comes to see it with internet printouts in hand isn’t going to be a buyer.

The next guy worked down around where I work. He asked if I could bring the car to work so he could check it out. I haven’t driven the Vette that far in awhile and definitely not since my latest repairs so I was a bit nervous about it. It made it in fine but unfortunately I had to drive through rain which reminded of one of the Vette’s warts, deteriorated weather stripping that leaks like mad in rain. The prospective buyer met me in the parking lot later in the morning, looked at it a bit, asked me to start it up and then that was it. I offered him to drive it, but he said it sounded like it ran good. Hmmm ok, I really would prefer that any prospective buyer drive the car but whatever. He said he had another Vette to look at this afternoon and he would call me back later.

I had to take the Vette to the orthodontist later in the morning when another flaw was apparent, weak AC. By the time I had to leave, the external temperature was around 90. The AC works but wasn’t blowing very cold and the fan seems to run at one speed, low. By the time I got to the ortho office the back of my shirt was soaked through. So I decided if this latest buyer fell through I at least need to get the AC blowing a bit colder. On the drive back one more wart popped up, stalling. A couple times as I slowed down to stop the Vette would stall. This is a side effect of my TPS sensor replacement that is not yet properly adjusted. So again, I decided to fix that as well if this buyer disappears.

Last night I got a call from the guy saying he looked at the other Vette. He asked me what was the lowest offer I would accept. I told him a number a couple hundred higher than what I really wanted as a minimum. He said the other car he looked at was also an 88 and the guy wanted 4700 for it. However the buyer only looked at it from the outside and nothing else so he doesn’t really know very much about it. He said he was going back tomorrow morning to look at it closer. I told him to go look at it and get back to me. If he liked my car more I may be willing to move on the price a bit more. It’s a big pain in the ass, I’ll be glad when the car is gone. I should have trusted my initial instinct before I even bought the car and left it alone.

Out of the blue yesterday, I got a call from the real estate agent that sold us our lot that we built our house on. I had called and left a message for him weeks ago regarding our interest in finding a piece of land for an investment but he never returned my call. I pretty much wrote him off. Well he called me up regarding a hunk of land that just came available out around the area where we were looking before. It is a smaller parcel but if it comes back as being all “upland” it would be a good deal. The deal is contigent on this report coming back as favorable. I should know in a day or two if the offer was accepted. I’m not holding my breath, but if it all works out it should pay a handsome return if we resell it in 2 or 3 years.

I just read about and tried out a new seacrh engine, . It is backed by Amazon and is pretty cool, go take a look.