Good ole fashion inconvenience, realtor rejects

I need a couple bolts for the Vette. Of course I can’t just buy the bolts, they come in a kit. The kit costs 25 bucks. So for 2 bolts I am paying 25 bucks. If that isn’t bad enough, the dealers make it as inconvenient as possible for you. I called the local Chevy dealer for the part, here is how the conversation went:

Me: Hi I would like to order this part number over the phone
Dealer: We don’t take orders over the phone
Me: Oh ok how about if I give you my CC number?
Dealer: We don’t accept CC over the phone
Me: Why not?
Dealer: Company policy
Me: (Repeating) You don’t take credit cards?????
Dealer: Not over the phone
Me: What the? Ummm Ok…..
Me: Well ok if I come in and order the part, can you at least ship the part to my home address so I don’t have to come back in?
Dealer: No, company policy….
Me: Goodbye

F’in ridiculous. So I called 3 different dealers and finally found one that was brave enough to accept my CC over the phone AND ship it to my home. How can a company nowadays not accept credit cards unless you are there in person? Crazy.

Last night after work, Ali suggested that we go take a look at the lot that we were in the process of buying, what a novel idea. So we drove out to where it was. The first thing we noticed was it was in an increasingly remote area. On the block where the lot is there is exactly ONE other house. Second, I looked at the lot and saw it had a bunch of cypress trees, which is a pretty sound indicator that the property will be classified as wetlands by the DEP, making building on the lot a complicated and possibly expensive proposition depending on the permitting and mitigation required. I called up the realtor and expressed my concern. I told him that I trusted his evaluation of the lot but what I saw didn’t agree with what he told me. He went back out and looked again and saw more cypress but he still thought it wasn’t enough for it to be classified as 100% wetlands. Then I told him I did some research and found out that the one house on that block was sitting on a lot that was classified as wetlands which the realtor was surprised to hear. So I need to let him know if I want to back out of the deal. I believe we will pull the plug on this deal, neither Ali or I had a good feeling about this lot after seeing it.