Dog deal, funny stuff, tired

I picked up Nicki after work yesterday. When I went back to the kennel area it was quiet this time and Nicki was just laying on her pillow. I noticed she didn’t eat any of the beggin strips I gave her before I left in the morning which is very rare. I called during the day to check on her and the woman said Nicki went out with her just fine and was doing well. Once Nicki saw me she went crazy. She had the biggest dog smile I ever saw. So although she didn’t exactly have fun at the kennel, she survived so I guess I just need to let it be and take her there when I go away next weekend.

I have the video feed set up again today so I can see what Nicki is doing at home again today. Open Windows Media player, FILE/OPEN URL I have the audio feed on so right now you’ll hear what is going on as well.

I stayed up late again last night playing Top Spin tennis. I am having a hard time dragging myself away from the game. I am just hooked on trying to work myself up the rankings. Right now I am still somewhere between 2000 and 3000. It’s very challenging taking on different people and breaking down each players tendencies and tactics. I have NFL 2K5 still in the box, haven’t even tried it yet. I’m waiting for Keener to get online so I can continue my long standing domination in virtual football.

Tonight is the debate, tune in and watch W get hammered once again. I have a friendly political debate going on here at work with a co-worker. She is very pro-Bush. She offered up a very typical “what about ME screw everyone else” opinion about Bush. She said she got a 2k tax refund last year which is part of the reason she likes Bush. I pointed out that that kind of short sightedness is why we are buried in the deepest debt in history. Cutting taxes while we are spending billions a month in Iraq is just fiscally irresponsible. But Bush-backers don’t care about how it affects us on the backend, long term. They see less taxes RIGHT NOW. So that must be good, right? Ugh.

This is a very funny clip, Halo fans rejoice. Thanks to gangwhore for the contribution (via keener)