Senior moment

Fittingly, I forgot to mention a senior moment I had last week at the gym. At the gym they have paper towel dispensers along with a cleaning solution mounted on each pillar in the building to clean equipment after you sweat all over it. The holder for the cleaner is like a holster, sort of. Well after doing my last set on a machine, I grabbed a paper towel and the cleaner spray bottle, cleaned the equipment and as I was doing so I sat the cleaner bottle on the floor. I then proceeded to throw out the paper towel and put the cleaner back. However when I went to take a drink out of my water bottle and found the cleaner in my hand, I realized I had put my water bottle into the holster on the wall. I laughed out loud, and didn’t bother to look around to see if anyone noticed my screw up. This stuff happens more often than I am comfortable with.